
AA Pantos
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 Ali Baba

 Babes in the Wood

 The Legend of Cinderella

 Dick Whittington

 The Emperor’s New Clothes

 Jason and the Argo-Nuts!

 Little Red Riding Hood

 Mother Goose

 The Nutcracker Panto!

 Puss in Boots

 Robinson Crusoe

 Adventures of Sherbert Dipp


 Sleeping Beauty & the Beast

 Little Bo Peep

 The Snow Queen

 Jack and the Jabberwock

 Humpty Dumpty

Puss in Boots Cast

Diabola (A Wicked Witch)

Feliciana (The Faerie Queen)

Farfalloni (A Gruesome Ghastly Goblin)

Fettucini (A Ghastly Gruesome Goblin)

Peppe (A Clever and Cunning Cat)

Capitano Calamari (The Chief of Police)

Monalisa Macaroni (A Wily Widow)

Mario (Her Son)

Tortino (Mario’s Silly Brother)

Alfresco the Fussy (The King)


Princess Perlita (His Beautiful Daughter)

Orco (A Mean-Spirited Ogre)

Chorus of Courtiers, Faeries, Goblins, Kittens, Neapolitans, etc.